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Dear Johanna

Dear Johanna

Regular price $7.99 USD
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In this small town, I am known as the woman that Beckett Ames broke up with. No one forgets—and I cannot move on.

Beckett was…is…perfect. He was the high school quarterback and valedictorian and went to Annapolis to join the Naval Academy. He is Elmridge’s golden boy. He became an officer, a decorated hero, and…was my high school sweetheart.

For all of his charms, I cannot forgive him for breaking up with me by text.

My very own “Dear John” letter for this Johanna…everyone still talks about it. Poor Johanna, you know she dated Beckett Ames? …like anyone could forget.

It was easier when he was off saving the world and left Elmridge to me and my memories. But now he is home.

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